Thursday, September 01, 2005

The American Interest is Online

The debut issue of The American Interest is now up on its site. If you want to read anything more than excerpts, however, it will set you back $39. In a bit of non-sensical marketing the online version costs the same as the print version and if buy one you don't automatically get the other. You have to fork over $69 for an annual subscription to both.
The new foreign policy journal is pulling out all its big guns to get this thing started. Gracing its cover (yes it has a cover with something more than article titles) is Condi. Inside we get an interview of Condi by the editor of TAI, Adam Garfinkle, who also worked for her at the NSC. Also featured are short articles by practically everyone on its admittedly stellar editorial board including Eliot Cohen, Anne Applebaum, Walter Russell Mead, Glenn C. Loury, James Q. Wilson, Frances Fukuyama and several others. Zbigniew Brzezinski has a longer piece in the issue. What passes for a mission statement is published in full and is credited to Fukuyama, Brzezinski, Cohen and the token European Josef Joffre.
By the way TAI also has a blog, AI...cont'd, that is also up and running.


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