Monday, January 24, 2005

It Makes Sense...

That W should like Sharansky's book so much. It is an impassioned and for the most part convincing manifesto for the destruction of "fear societies" and replacing them with "free societies". He believes that "the free world can once again secure a better future for hundreds of millions of people around the world" by "linking international policy" to build these free societies. It doesn't hurt Sharansky's case that he speaks the President's language and understands his frustrations. Sharansky is exasperated that those who have known liberty all their lives "do not appreciate the enormous power of freedom." He figures that living in the black and white world of the Soviet Union provided him with the "moral clarity" that the free world with "its varying shades of gray" has difficulty grasping. Sharansky goes on stating:

A lack of moral why people living in free societies cannot distinguish between religious fundamentalists in democratic states and religious terrorists in fundamentalist states. It is why people living in free societies can come to see their fellow citizens as their enemies, and foreign dictators as their friends.

I could not help but notice that Sharansky gives a tip of the hat to two neo-con heroes Ronald Reagan and "Scoop" Jackson. He also takes a swipe or two at the bete noire of all foreign policy idealists Henry Kissinger. I have to say that overall the book makes a fine argument, but I don't think it will convince any self-respecting realist that you can impose democracy on a state that may not be ready for it.

One last thing the book is "co-authored" (translation: actually written) by Miami Beach native Ron Dermer. Dermer also happens to be the brother of Mayor David Dermer of Miami Beach who scored an invite to the inauguration.


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