Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sunday's Best

I was a little underwhelmed with today's offerings, but here it goes. The relief effort in Aceh is a mess and Islamic militants are moving in (like they weren't already there). Friedman's column declaring that the war in Iraq will be won with voter turnout and not troops was o.k., but I have to include it because Zarqawi decided to prove his point. Speaking of Iraqi elections Arab leaders are fretting over the almost inevitable victory of the Shia. Last week Andres Oppenheimer discussed Hugo Chavez's ego trip and this week he talks about Bush's and how it will be received in Latin America. W's crusade to rid the world of tyranny is also the focus of Fareed Zakaria's longish article in Newsweek. Zakaria has more of a global spin and uses the extra space to draw a clearer picture of what is wrong with the President's plan. The Washington Post is also on the Bush freedom meme and brings up the affect that Natan Sharanky's "The Case for Democracy" had on W's thinking. Not mentioned was that after the election W supporters were e-mailed a message urging them to read it. It is still a GOP must read. The planets must be aligned because both the Post and the Washington Times stress that if Bush is true to his rhetoric he will help the state formerly known as the Ukraine.


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