Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Good - Our Sunday Best

Sunday's papers were stocked with good stuff. Tsunami relief has been overwhelming. I've been wondering why we haven't done this for the people of Iraq and at the LA Times Terry Rogers wonders why we haven't done it for Africa. Also in the LAT globalization gets a boost from Economist stalwarts Micklethwait and Wooldridge. They contend that Tsunami aid is nice, but trade is better. Over at the Washington Post Jim Hoagland recommends that the second Bush Admin look to the east (registration required) where "strategic change is on the gallop..." Thomas Friedman of the NY Times is looking to the east and says we should not get our hopes up over changing our image by helping Tsunami victims. He explains why here (registration required). Andres Oppenheimer, the only thing the front section of the Miami Herald has going for it, tries to downplay two reports (one from the US and the other from an expert at the EU) that the influence of Latin America is waning. I guess Salvador Dali was wrong. Meanwhile in France Chirac allies are trying to find a way to keep him out of jail once he is no longer in office. It appears that Chirac's people are concerned that he may be prosecuted for some shenanigans committed before he became president. The plan (in French) is to extend his immunity by automatically making him a senator once he is out of office. It didn't work for Pinochet, but you never know.


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