Friday, September 02, 2005

We Need to Help the Sunnis

I did not say that but Michael O'Hanlon of Brookings did - and he actually makes sense. In addition to federalism the split of oil revenues promises to harm the Sunni population. Since most of the wells are either in Kurd and Shiite territory they intend to hold on to what they make. O'Hanlon makes the credible case that the oil belongs to the Iraqi people and should be shared. I don't think that this will fix the problem short-term, but it forms a good basis for the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's help the Sunnie about a round figures like $75 Millions.
Let Halliburton to contribute into the kitty.

Same Anon
Hey, theCardibal, am I the only one that read this blog. It seems that way!

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I partially agree.

Sadly, the US did wrong by forcing sunnis into insurgency. Although in my foolish English, I take the argument of Cordesman:

bye, aa

7:18 AM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

The scope of this blog is supposed to be limited but even then I think that we have 5 readers if you include my family. I think we might spike today since we have a discussion group meeting and people will want to hit the links since they did not read our book of the month.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, I think you should put a counter.
Same anon.

9:42 PM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

.A. - Two reasons not to do so:

1 - I don't know how and too lazy to figure it out.

2 - Checking the count in the morning and seeing that not even my mom has visited.

Who knows? Our tiny group grew a little last night so maybe I might throw caution to the wind and put up a counter at some point.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear theCardinal,

You are doing great. You are smart, khowledgable and you are a down -to -earth man.

Just be patient.
Well, do not worry, I have been visiting your blog every morning since I discovered the blog. So, at least one hit a day is for sure.
I am learning about what's going on in this planet of ours thru your blog. Thanks, my man !

Same Anon

8:16 AM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

S.A. - Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and I am honored that you make me part of your day. All the best...

The Cardinal

3:54 PM  

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