Friday, September 02, 2005

Muslim Brotherhood and the Elections in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood, the group that spawned radical Islamism (see Sayyid Qutb), is playing a role in the elections. Egypt won't let them run candidates but they opted to encourage people to vote. Though they did not endorse a candidate they hinted that they are not Hosni fans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democracy ala Egypt, you can only vote any candidate that is okayed by the Government.

It is like ice-cream, ...... vanilla, chocolate or strawverry flavor is still an ice-cream, no ?

It is a joke, no different than in Florida and Ohio !

Same Anon

10:33 PM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

At least they can vote for something now and there are even opposition candidates. Yes the victor is a foregone conclusion and the most important opposition group isn't even legal, but it is a start. Mexico held sham elections for 75 years before the people had enough and had a real one...sometimes it takes baby steps.

6:14 AM  

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