Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why the UN Annoys Me - Reason 1,587

Here's a catchy slogan - "Today Gaza, Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem." The phrase may have the full support of Hamas and may have been put out by the Palestinian Authority but a propaganda campaign featuring it was funded by the United Nations Development Program. To give credit where credit is due the PA made sure that every banner, bumper sticker, mug and t-shirt bearing the slogan had a UNDP logo slapped on it. Responding to criticism a UNDP administrator stated that "it was not at all acceptable" for the logo to appear on the materials and said that, "We cannot be involved in political messaging." What the hell does that mean? Does it mean that the political messaging that they funded would have been fine if their logo was not on it. Why is the UN funding a propaganda campaign by an entity that incites terrorism and crushes dissent? John Bolton has justly ripped the UNDP for its involvement.


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