Fareed Zakaria PBS Backstreet Boy
The Village Voice of all publications has a profile of Fareed Zakaria. The focus is on Zakaria's new PBS show Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria and his sex symbol status. More than once the article labels Zakaria as a recovering neo-con, but he was never one to begin with. VV is so far out to the left that when they look to their right everyone just looks the same. Zakaria has always been a realist as evidenced by his doctoral thesis From Wealth to Power. His last book The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad which argued that democracy in and of itself was not a cure all for what ails the world is a realist masterpiece. I will say this - Pat Buchanan also knocked the importance of propping up or encouraging the establishment of democratic regimes in a 1990 piece in The National Interest and I don't recall him either being called a sex symbol or the subject of a fawning piece in the Village Voice.
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