Monday, March 07, 2005

Bono at the World Bank?

Some of us (ok I mean me) may not think much of the World Bank, but if the Bushies don't think much of it they should just say so and stop playing around. As some of you may know the head of the World Bank is traditionally an American while the IMF chief is usually European. So who do we think should run the WB? First Paul Wolfowitz was named to the short list. A pretty terrible idea considering that he is hated by most foreign leaders and has no experience running a financial institution. Perhaps the Bushies were trying to follow precedent and use the WB as a retirement home for beleaguered defense dept officials. Now Treasury Secretary John Snow has floated Bono's name. Of course he isn't serious at least I hope he's not. He apparently is trying to make a point about how hip he is or remind everyone of how ridiculous his predecessor (and Bush critic) Paul O'Neill looked when he donned traditional African garb during his tour of Africa with the rock star. As much as Bono is ill-suited for the post he is still a better selection than another rock star selection, Carly Fiorina. Ms Fiorina is at least a former CEO, but her claim to fame is leaving a slumping Lucent to take over HP, which just canned her. The fact that Ms. Fiorina is a high profile woman and Republican should get her serious consideration for the post.


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