We're So Cruel
A couple of those nations singled out in the State Department's Human Rights report are a little bitter. Abu Gharib is an easy target and most states use it although the one that didn't should have. Mexico took a different approach in criticizing the US:
Jose Luis Soberanes, president of Mexico's Human Rights Commission, also said the United States lacked moral authority to pass judgment on others, citing U.S. treatment of Mexicans who sneak across the border into the United States. He compared Washington's criticism of Mexico's record to "the donkey talking about long ears" -- the Spanish-language equivalent of "the pot calling the kettle black" -- "because the United States violates human rights, especially those of our countrymen."
So let me see if I get this straight...we are violating the rights of Mexican citizens because they are violating our laws and entering our country illegally. Of course we should not be worried about our pourous border to the south, unless you consider Hezbollah a threat. In Michigan a Hezbollah member has turned up, he got in the US through Mexico.
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