Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A "Rolling Coup d'Etat"

That is how President Bolanos of Nicaragua describes what former President Aleman and Castro Mini-Me Version 1.0 Daniel Ortega are doing to him. NYT follows up on the yesterday's op-ed in the WaPost with a report on Robert Zoellick's mission to Nicaragua. By the way how rotten is a country when 92 of 100 legislators are willing to ignore public opinion and support the corrupt bargain that is el pacto? Anyway all of Nicaragua is aflutter with Zoellick's tough talk and his blasting of the "criminal and corrupt" Aleman.


Blogger Charles D said...

If 92 of 100 legislators, who one assumes were freely elected by a majority of people in their districts, agree on a course of action, isn't that democracy in action?

Almost all of our legislators are willing to ignore public opinion and support the war in Iraq. Does that show how rotten the US is?

P.S. Didn't Aleman's criminal corruption occur when Mr. Bolanos was his Vice President? Should we assume he was out of the loop, much as Bush I was when Reagan and Ollie North were illegally supporting the contra rebels?

4:13 PM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

You know what happens when you assume don't you? What is happening is not democracy in action but cronyism in action. It is a cynical union of corrupt pols who care more about power and money than they do about country and ideology.

Opposition to el pacto is much higher than opposition to the war in Iraq. And if by opposition you mean unilateral withdrawal irregardless of the situation in Iraq you will find that the Congress is much more responsive to public opinion than you would like.

Ernesto Zedillo was Carlos Salinas' choice to be President yet Zedillo still put the squeeze on Salinas, his family and even the corrupt party that gave him his power. Juan Carlos was Franco's choice to succeed him but JC still turned on the right and had no problem with Socialists winning free and fair elections. Unfortunately if you are going to rise in a corrupt and unjust society your hands may get dirty its what you do when you get the chance to make a change that counts.

12:52 PM  

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