Saturday, October 22, 2005

On the Newstand: The Fatal Attraction of Chavez and Iran

The Weekly Standard explores the burgeoning relationship between Iran and Venezuela. Other than being oil producing states both states also hate the US. Mentioned is Chavez's initial efforts to develop nuke technology for "peaceful" means, the ties both countries have to terrorist groups and Iran's willingness to help Chavez find other customer's for his crude - that way he won't depend on the US. Of course we should pay more attention to what happens in our backyard but our hands are tied. We are just as dependent on Venezuela and it's crappy crude (it is of poor quality) and an invasion, never a likely prospect, is an insane suggestion considering our circumstances. To prove how insane it is Chavez believes that we're planning an invasion. He really did bone up on that Castro playbook didn't he?


Blogger IJ said...

The first meeting of the EU-OPEC Energy Dialogue took place in Brussels on 9 June, 2005.

"This important new initiative is seen by the EU as a part of a broader approach to strengthen energy dialogues with the main oil and gas suppliers, and by OPEC as a significant further step in its continued efforts to encourage dialogue and cooperation among oil producers and consumers. It was agreed upon in meetings and contacts between the Dutch EU Presidency, the European Commission and the President of the OPEC Conference at the end of 2004, in recognition of their mutual interdependence." Link.

4:55 PM  

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