Monday, October 03, 2005

Defending Karen Hughes

Here is something I did not expect - a piece in TNR defending Karen Hughes. TA Frank who also handles the outstanding regular feature "Today in Despotism" gives a hat tip to Hughes for bringing up the driving issue in Saudi Arabia. He also rips the left for criticizing her:
Isolationist conservatives generally take the position that it's not the proper role of American politicians to comment on another society's treatment of women. But liberals don't have that excuse. Instead, their dilemma is by now an old story: For the contemporary left, when any value--in this case, equal rights for women--comes up against the value of not judging other cultures, non-judgment tends to win. The left prizes tolerance so highly that it often refuses to condemn intolerance. (Europe, with a large population of immigrants who oppose the values of the society in which they live, has grappled with this problem for years.)


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