Friday, September 09, 2005

In The Tanks - Our Indian Friends

Echoing a sentiment expressed by former US Ambassador to India Robert Blackwill in the Summer '05 issue of The National Interest (subscription required) Thomas Donnelly thinks that we need to get closeer to India.


Blogger IJ said...

The United States needs to get closer to India concluded Thomas Donnelly in December 2002.

"President Bush has rightly framed the post-September 11 "war on terrorism" as a struggle to stabilize and democratize the Islamic world. That is an immense undertaking, one clearly intimidating to Europeans. But their weakness should send us in search of new partners--perhaps beginning in New Delhi but not ending--lest we dance alone."

However the need for economic connectivity is becoming more important than some political alliances.

Welding the economics and the politics together is the agreed job of the United Nations. Next week the UN meets to consider how it must change. An article about the get-together is in The Economist.

5:39 AM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

Thanks for the heads up on Donnelly...Glad you brought up The Economist - I have to renew.

12:56 PM  
Blogger IJ said...

Additional information on the World Summit in a few days time. The summit is of crucial importance; the opinions in the oil-for-food report will be a significant factor in deciding the continuing existence and shape of the United Nations.

Here is another article on the summit. It points out that this report on the Iraq scandal is only interim; the final version is expected in October.

10:23 AM  

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