EUnuchs Balk on Iran
Facing stiff oposition from Russia and China (surprise!) the EUnuchs opted to hold off on pressing the IAEA to send the Iran nuke issue to the Security Council. What's the point China is likely to veto any effort to sanction Iran. What possible interest does Iran have in complying? With insane petrol prices it is unlikely that the EUnuchs will punish them too hard. Iran can also count on third world support.
The alternative to diplomacy can be very costly. Concentrating only on the financial burden for taxpayers, the American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution decided to get together to try and make government more accountable. The report includes:
"Government policies are routinely subjected to rigorous cost analysis. Yet one of today's most controversial and expensive policies - the ongoing war in Iraq - has not been. . . We estimate . . .costs through 2015 could be $604 billion to the US, $95 billion to coalition partners, and $306 billion to Iraq, suggesting a global total . . . of about $1 trillion."
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