And We Complain About the Patriot Act
Allegedly Yahoo did its part to help the Red Chinese jail, Shi Tao, a journalist. Mr. Shi's crime was posting information anonymously about media restrictions surrounding the 15th Anniversary of the Massacre of Innocents at Tiananmen Square. His trial lasted two hours and he was sentenced to ten years.
Dear theCardinal,
Yes, we complain about Patriot Act, because what happened in China and all those countries that do censorship, sooner or later it will be here, in our own backyard.
What is the difference, between censorship by Government and, so called a-self-imposed-censorship by the Mainstream Mass Media on news that the people ought to know but instead publishing news that the Government want the public to know ??
Patriot Act is a civilized way of a coup d'etat. To pave the way into a Police State ! So those the one in power will remain in power for a long time, with a different puppet as a front. And election or Democracy is nothing but a smoke screen. The power is in those who own more money. But again do not blame them, it is the Capitalist way, no ?
If you are poor, whether you are in a Communist, Socialist, Dictactor, or Royal Kingdom,Sultane, country is just the same. If you are poor, you cannot go below poverty. But if you are rich, you be richer. How rich is rich? The sky the limit ?? But again. it is a Capitalis way , No?
Same Anon
Relax SA my tongue was planted firmly in cheek when I posted that subject line. I will say this about PATRIOT however - it is here to stay on some level or another. As Tim Naftali noted in his book - Blind Spot: The Secret History of American Counterterrorism - a great deal of what became the PATRIOT Act was originally proposed by the Clinton Admn., but shot down by conservative Republicans.
Until the threat of terror abates no politician will want to risk rescinding PATRIOT and getting blamed later.
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