The Lie Behind the Russo/China Wargames
Peace Mission 2005 the massive wargame involving the Chinese and elements of the Russian armed forces began its final stage on Tuesday. In an attempt to put the region at ease military leaders for both countries insisted the scenario involved a "U.N. mandate to stabilize a country plunged into violence by ethnic strife." No one should buy this scenario for even a nanosecond.
One of the fundamental tenets of Chinese foreign policy is non-interference. All one has to do is recall the Serbian/Kosovo mess during the Clinton administration. Both China and Russia put up diplomatic roadblocks despite the obvious slaughter on the ground. The Russian position could be justified because of its historical ties to Serbia but China has always stood athwart of any efforts to intervene on the behalf of a oppressed state or people. The reasons are obvious both the Tibetans and the Muslims in China have sought autonomy or outright independence. There is also the touchy issue of Taiwan which the Red Chinese insist on referring to as an internal situation. The amphibious nature of Peace Mission 2005 made it clear that the target was Taiwan. The only country that China is interested in stabilizing is China and the Ruskies are willing to line up with anyone that gives the US a headache.
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