ICC Stand Leads to Aid Cut
The US has cut aid to countries that are not signing on to granting our soldiers immunity from the International Community Court. The US has long been concerned that our military men and women would be exposed while serving in another country and be charged with a crime against humanity by the ICC. Some legal experts pooh-pooh the concern, but they are either disingenuous or naive. One only needs to look at Spain's Socialist Super Judge Balthazar Garzon to see how one judge could see fit to charge anyone that he sees fit. Extreme Anti-American elements would only be too happy to utilize the ICC to upset US policy abroad. I am not sure that cutting aid to nations that don't support us in this effort is the best way to go, but our displeasure must be made clear. As to the argument that our cuts in aid hurt our efforts in the drug war and against terrorism - we would save a whole bunch of money and effort by ending the drug war.
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