Indonesia and US
Two stories in two days at CSM regarding Indonesia. The first details the delicate relationship between the US and Indonesia. Things have not been quite right since Indonesian troops laid East Timor to waste. Things are improving however and W is pushing for better relations. His enthusiasm may lay in part to Indonesia's successful fight against terror and the fact that it is the world's most populous Muslim state.
Yes, Indonesian population are 85% Muslims. But we are not a Muslim Country, like in Middle East.
We Muslim believe that, all Muslims in the world is like human body. If any samll area of the body is pinched, the whole body ached.
Secondly, there is a phrase in Indonesia, understood by Muslim and non Muslim. If the teacher urinate while standing, than the pupils will urinate while running.
We Indonesian look highly to US.
Most of our leaders are educated in variious University in the US. Even our present President was graduated from "American School", the same school that most Latin America's Generals graduated.
And of course those officers that were involved in EastTimor.
But why it is considered wrong if you implemented the knowledge you gained from what you are trained for ? Doing exactly step by step as explained in the manual, and it turned out considered violating The Human Right ?
Since the US Military is considered our "guru", we were practising what the military is doing now in Iraq, Afghansistan and The Guatanamo !
Who is to blame here, the pupil or the teacher ?
I think it is about time that the "American School" should be handed over to the "Peace Corps", and spread the graduated students to every corner of the world.
Just in one subject, how to grow good crops like rice, wheat and corn.
Or reversed the subsidy to US Farmers, let them grow any crop as much as possible, and take an itsy bitsy Military Budget to implement this.
Sell cheap to the third world country. And they will thank you wholeheartedly. Then if you asked them to do a favour for you, they will do it wholeheartedly too. This way, Arlington Cemetery will have enough space to bury old retired US Armed Forces personnels.
First off thank you for your comments. I mentioned the Muslim character of Indonesia since people tend to forget that it is predominantly Muslim. So much talk is centered on the Mid East that it is important to note that Muslims can be found elsewhere...and in greater numbers. Despite the prominence of the religion Indonesia has been able to marginalize radical Islamism - it is an example for other countries - as is its steps to democracy. Despite disagreements in past it is clear that Indonesia as it stands right now provides a model that we hope other countries follow.
There is no doubt that the US is complicit in E. Timor. And that goes back to the Nixon administration. Yet those that committed the atrocities are themselves culpable for thier own actions - whatever they may have learned at the School of the Americas had very little to do with the irregular activities undertaken in E. Timor. It was also made clear by the world community - the US included that these actvities were clearly opposed. We are not completely clean of course as Abu Gharib has shown, but we expose and acknowledge are mistakes and hopefully will bring the culprits to justice.
In our group we have been discussing the unfair trade practices, barriers and subsidies imposed by our country. It is unfortunate that our leaders seem to know that the only way to improve relations with other countries is by openning up our markets but our leaders are too afraid to face down powerful constituents and continue provide assistance to the uncompetitive sectors of the economy. Ending this charade along with working together to face the geo-political challenges that confront us both could be the basis for a cooperative relationship between the two countries.
Thank you, Sir, for replying my comment.
It is obvious now that the ambition of any Administration, whether Republican or Democrats is
"to rule the world", by opening new markets.
The question is, do US has to use armed conflict to get the message through. Is there any aother alternatives? I mentioned in my comment, may be thru cheap food program. Or may be by other means that will produced good things to Americans and to thepeople of the world?
Let say in the Automobile Industry. It used to be Chevrolet and Ford made cars and trucks on the road all over the world. With the resources and the accumulated wealth of US Corporations or maybe The Goverment, I believed US Automobile Industry will rise again.
Say, that US Gov backed by the Automobile Industry and other rich Corproration proposed a program to African Countries that a highway of 2 lanes in each direction will be built from Dakar to Cameroon and end in Dar es Salam in Mozambique.
However, for the countries that connected by this high-way, should only purchased American made cars and trucks for their use as Goverment vehicles including the Armed Forces of each countries.
And along this highway, the rest areas will be build by American Company (a consortium of the fastfood industries plus the beverages companies or may a Motel Chain Co).
The cost of US Gov. for OIL (Operation Irag Liberation) will have enough funds to build highway across Africa, Asia and Latin America. With less casualties among young American, more jobs for American at home and abroad.
Plus a skyrocketing US popularity in the world.
Fighting Osama, Taliban and the Iraqis is like shooting a bird with bazooka. It should be enough with a 9 mm bullet, but again it is more expensive with bazooka of course. Well the name of the game is "spending habit of the 4 stars Generals", so it fits just right, using the bazooka.
By spending on construction on highway, bulding stop-areas like in New Jersey Turnpike, will be welcome with open arms by the third world countries.
Isn't the goal is, that the population of the world eventually will wear Levi's or Lee's or Wrangler's blue Jeans ?
Drink Coca-cola or Pepsi Cola? Sit behind a steering wheel of Chevrolet,Ford or Chrysler cars and truck? Or riding Harley Davidsons and drink Coors Beer ?
I guessed that a group of people in the high rangking US Government Officials saw how successful the program of "The School of America" in Latin Anerica and Indonesia (32 years practising the text book), so now they think that it is about time to implement whatever in the text here at home ? (Patriot Act, Surveilance on civilian, checking bags on subway station, no fly list, what next..Gitmo for US citizen?) It worked before with the Anerican -Japanese durig the world warII, why not now with American-Arabs. Next will Maerican-Korean, American-Chinese ?
I put the American first because they were and they are Americans.
Most of the immigrants that came to this country were trying to escape from the feeling afraid of being shadowed by the authority thru intimidating, surveilance, etc.
If they do not feel safe here in the US, is there any other place ??
This is what American dream is all about for those immigrants. To go to bed with full stomach and sleep like a log every night, 365 nights !
The huge volume of new immigratns that came to this is country is due to the fat that how clever the graduates of "The School of America ", implimenting their skills. Somebody, somewhere were(are?)creating a monster !.
Sincerely yours,
Anon ( Iam still like to stay in this country and also like to visit my country too, without any problem) Try to stay away from from Police Record and Patriot Act.
Dear Sir,
JIL in Indonesia. It is like a rerun of TV fall season in the Summer time.
During the Smiling General Suharto Era, was PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia), now JIL Same old stories with new player-actor.
In the Island of Java, the most populair entertainment is the "Wayang Kulit" or "Wayang Golek". Same story, same dalang (The Puppeteer) with different wayang ( puppet).
Well to show some good work, the Police have to do something. Round up people is the most usual way. After all after million dollars Grants from Uncle Sam on Motorola Communication Apparatus, the Police at least like to show the world that they know how to operate those radios.
Bali bombings by JIL ??
I heard rumors that after the blast, a C-130 of the Aussie Airforce took off from Bali airport with the casualties and the eyes witnessed ! No eyewitness no case ! (See text book page so an so published by the SoF).
You can fool people once, but not everytime ! But again according to the text book, the natives light brown skin people can be fooled. Look what happened before, fooled by the Dutch for 350 years.
JIL using Nitro ??? Fire crackers may be.
Sincerely yours,
The same Anon.
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