Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Shocking News From Egypt!

An NGO reports that the elections are rigged in favor of President Hosni Mubarak! The US is urging the inclusion of international monitors. I wouldn't bet that they will be invited.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most important part of this quasi-election are the long-term consequences. Tarek Atia brilliantly notes that the election logo that has become “a permanent fixture on [national] channels… may change things. Intentional or not, the flag immediately attracts young children. “What is that?” they ask their parents. The typical response would probably be much like what Kamelia Hamed told her son when he asked, that the flag is part of the election campaign, which is a process by which the public chooses their leader from among several candidates.

In that simple exchange, a revolution of sorts has already occurred.”

9:02 PM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

I agree - just the fact that they are talking about elections is important, but I found it amusing that someone would protest the outcome of the elections. That Mubarak and the NDP are subjecting themselves to some for electoral approval is an accomplishment in and of itself. As long as Mubarak is healthy I doubt that he will step down or lose power but these elections make the PM (Post Mubarak) that much more hopeful

4:26 PM  

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