Sunday, April 10, 2005

Around the World in Half a Minute

LA Times notes millions are being wasted in Iraqi utilities. Iraqis control over 40 water plants and 19 electrical facilities and not one is run properly according to Bechtel. Chinese youth attacked the Japanese embassy. They're upset about the Japanese claim the Spratleys and their campaign to get a seat in the Security Council. The boot-looking WaPost says that the Chinese gov't "appeared" to allow the violent demonstration. Hutus are fleeing Rwanda for Burundi to avoid to avoid trial for genocide. The current Syrian imposed Lebanese gov't seeks to delay the promised elections; Druze leader Walid Jumblatt is less than thrilled. Our candidate to head the OAS is out it is now a duel between the north and south with the Caribbean playing tie-breaker. The WaPost has an interesting piece on how AMLO builds support among the lower classes. One of his programs helps elderly sex-workers. Another good WaPost story tells us why the Turks hate us.


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