Around the World in 30 Seconds (Still the JP II Free Zone)
The Iraqis selected a president and two v.p.s a couple of hours earlier than anticipated. Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, is pres and he'll have shiite and sunni vps. Now they have to pick a PM to actually run everything. At the local level things are pretty messy too. W. nominated a new ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalizad. The post has been vacant since Negroponte left. Prince Rainier is dead. I hate to sound cruel, but does this really merit that much attention? The UN General Assembly begins debate on Kofi's reforms. Recent UN activity suggests that there may be a thaw between the US and the EUnuchs. In "Palestine" the good news is that Hamas will participate in the elections the bad news is that Hamas probably do well. In Mexico the PAN is still going hard after AMLO. The Attorney General has suggested that not only would AMLO be barred from running for pres, but he'd also resign as Mexico City's mayor (en espanol). AMLO will be defending himself, what are the chances of him saying that history will absolve him?
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