Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Today's bombing in Madrid is the latest in a string of attacks by the Basque separatist group ETA. What was unintentionally hilarious was the reaction of the Spanish PM Zapatero who stated, "I would like to say to the terrorists of ETA and those who support them that there is no place for them in politics or civil society -- bombs lead only to prison." You see Zapatero's Socialist did not have a prayer of assuming power until the tragic events of March 11. Aznar's inability and unwillingness to acknowledge that radical Islamists had coordinated the attack led to the PP's downfall. Zapatero's zeal in accommodating the terrorists by pulling Spanish troops troops from Iraq won him the election but was bound to be have repercussions. There is also the fact that Zapatero has continued to squeeze the ETA leading them to more desperate acts. Lucky for Spain and Zapatero the ETA is a kindler gentler terrorist unit that usually phones in it's planned targets to minimize civilian casualties and usually only goes out of its way to kill politicians.


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