Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Another Reason Why the UN is a Bad Joke

I'm extending an invitation to any all pure-bred-dyed-in-the-wool multi-lateralists to give me an explanation for this one. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights is scheduled to meet next month. To hammer out its agenda the commission has put together a Working Group composed of Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Bulgaria and the Netherlands. That is quite a feat when you consider that both Saudi Arabia and Cuba obtained the worst possible rating from Freedom House, an honor they shared with 6 other states. Zimbabwe fared a tad better garnering the second worst rating sharing that distinction with 9 other nations. So you have a total of 192 countries rated. Of these 143 are rated free or partly free and they are represented by two countries, Bulgaria and Holland. You have another 49 countries rated not-free and those repressive regimes, where violating Human Rights is government policy, get 3 slots. Oh by the way the US has registered it's protest although it neglected to criticize the Saudis. I'm waiting for the EU to issue a protest (stop laughing it could happen). The US should walk out of the UNCHR. Just being there confers legitimacy on this pathetic, disgraceful, hypocritical and ineffectual institution.


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