Monday, November 14, 2005

Battered Bush Goes East

I'm watching Monday Night Football as I write this (my definition of multitasking) and was amused by a Philly fan holding a sign that read "It's not easy being green." Alas it may not be easy being a frog (and no I'm not talking about the French) or being a Philly fan but at least you aren't W. Let's face it W has it rough.
CNN is talking up new polls showing that he has hit a record low in public approval. TNR is piling on referring to the Summit of the Americas as more like a nadir and another piece proclaiming W's Veteran's Day speech as the worst of his presidency. CSM says things are bound to go better during W's Far East trip if for no other reason that Hugo Chavez won't be there. They do note that S. Korea might be difficult. I have a solution - get off the plane announce that all American troops in Korea will be home by Christmas get back on the plane and leave.


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