Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Just Say No to Turkey

Frank Gaffney, Jr. neo-con extraordinaire does not want Turkey in the EU and he serves up a couple of reasons:
  • Turkey is awash with billions of dollars in what is known as "green money," apparently emanating from funds Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states withdrew from the United States after September 11, 2001. U.S. policymakers are concerned this unaccountable cash is laundered in Turkey, then used to finance businesses and generate new revenue streams for Islamofascist terrorism. At the very least, everything else on Mr. Erdogan's Islamist agenda is lubricated by these resources.
  • Turkey's traditionally secular educational system is being steadily supplanted by madrassa-style "imam hatip" schools and other institutions where students are taught only the Koran and its interpretation according to the Islamofascists. The prime minister is himself an imam hatip school graduate and has championed lowering the age at which children can be subjected to their form of radical religious indoctrination from 12 years old to 4. And in 2005, experts expect 1,215,000 Turkish students to graduate from such schools.
  • Products of such an education are ill-equipped to do much besides carrying out the Islamist program of Mr. Erdogan's AKP Party. Tens of thousands are being given government jobs: Experienced, secular bureaucrats are replaced with ideologically reliable theo-apparatchiks; 4,000 others pack secular courts, transforming them into instruments of Shari'a religious law.
  • As elsewhere, religious intolerance is a hallmark of Mr. Erdogan's creeping Islamofascist putsch in Turkey. Roughly a third of the Turkish population is a minority known as Alevis. They observe a strain of Islam that retains some of the traditions of Turkey's ancient religions. Islamist Sunnis like Mr. Erdogan and his Saudi Wahhabi sponsors regard the Alevis as "apostates" and "hypocrites" and subject them to increasing discrimination and intimidation. Other minorities, notably Turkey's Jews, know they are likely next in line for such treatment -- a far cry from the tolerance of the Ottoman era.
  • In the name of internationally mandated "reform" of Turkey's banking system, the government is seizing assets and operations of banks run by businessmen associated with the political opposition. It has gone so far as to defy successive rulings by Turkey's supreme court disallowing one such expropriation. The AKP-dominated parliament has enacted legislation that allows even distant relatives of the owners to be prosecuted for alleged wrongdoing. Among the beneficiaries of such shakedowns have been so-called "Islamic banks" tied to Saudi Arabia, some of whose senior officers now hold top jobs in the Erdogan government..
  • Grabbing assets -- or threatening to do so -- has allowed the government effectively to take control of the Turkish media, as well. Consolidation of the industry in hands friendly to (or at least cowed by) the Islamists and self-censorship of reporters, lest they depart from the party line, have essentially denied prominent outlets to any contrary views. The risks of deviating is clear from the recently announced prosecution of Turkey's most acclaimed novelist, Orhan Parmuk, for "denigrating Turks and Turkey" by affirming in a Swiss publication allegations of past Turkish genocidal attacks on Kurds and Armenians.
  • Among the consequences of Mr. Erdogan's domination of the press has been an inflaming of Turkish public opinion against President Bush in particular and the United States more generally. Today, a novel describing a war between America and Turkey leading to the nuclear destruction of Washington is a runaway best-seller, even in the Turkish military.
  • This data point perhaps indicates the Islamists' progress toward also transforming the traditional guarantors of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's legacy of a secular, pro-Western Muslim state: Turkey's armed forces. Matters have been worsened by Mr. Erdogan's skillful manipulation of popular interest in the European bid to keep the military from serving as a control rod in Turkish politics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can only hope that the Europeans reveal the reality: Turkey is not coming into the EU, the great majority of the EU's population does not want them in the EU, and it is political suicide for leaders (especially in Germany and France) to support their entry.
By "hope", I mean that the military will then interject itself back into the political process and save Turkey from becoming another failing Islamic state.

12:13 AM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

Funny you should mention the military because I resisted an incredible temptation to bring it up. I don't know what is wrong with me but I'm still willing to give the Justice and Development Party some slack for the time being. Nonetheless there has to be a point where the military steps back in as they did when the Welfare Party got to big for its britches.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we're allowed to be optimistic about Turkey right? Its been a democracy for a while.
We'll see what happens. And God help US-Turkish relations if Iraq falls apart in the next few years.

12:33 AM  
Blogger IJ said...

The bombings in Bali on 1 October 2005 are yet another reason the EU should admit Turkey, says The Telegraph:

>In Brussels, European foreign ministers prepare for tomorrow's talks on Turkey's prospective entry to the EU. It is scandalous that Germany, France and Austria, in different ways, have done so much to obstruct this process. As the former Labour minister, Stephen Twigg, asks in a new Foreign Policy Centre pamphlet, Turks in Europe: "What will future generations say about us if we turn our backs now, with so much at stake, and so much to gain, on the best Muslim friend we have?"<

Moreover, the former commissioner for EU external affairs added his weight to the support for Turkey:

"You hear so much rhetoric about Europe playing a significant role in the world. What the hell signal do we send to the rest of the world if we can't accept Turkish accession to the European Union?"

5:53 AM  

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