Thursday, August 25, 2005

US Throws Up A Roadblock To UN Reform

A summit planned to discuss UN reform and poverty could be thrown into turmoil since the US has just offered up 750 amendments a couple of weeks before it was set to kick off. Before we get around to bashing Bolton and US intransigence there are two things to consider. The first being that this cannot be blamed on Bolton. All those criticizing him for pulling this off at the last second should look in the mirror. If his opponents would have approved him sooner (W was getting his way one way or another) then maybe these issues would have been addressed sooner. Since he literally just got the job he should be congratulated for putting this out as quickly as he has.

On a second front the number of objections and concerns is a good sign that the US is taking UN reform and poverty reduction seriously. During the Clinton administration the US would sign on to agreements like Kyoto knowing full well that they would not pass muster with the Senate or Congress. Remember that Kyoto did not get a single yea vote in the Senate. Most of the objections listed by the administration deal with items and issues that have already failed in the Senate or would have a difficult time passing. It is better to be honest to the world community than to make promises that we can't possibly keep.


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