Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rev. Jesse's Fall from Grace

In his gossip column Lloyd Grove reports that some of Rev. Jesse's admirers were "dismayed" by his willingness to stand beside Randall Terry in support of Terri Schiavo parents. Granted Terry is a nut-job, but let's look at this a little closer shall we? Has Terry ever actually killed anyone? The guy is annoying, but he's not a murderer. Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, Muammar Qadhafi and Hafez Assad (hilarious/disgusting link) - now those are (or were) murderers. All of them were embraced by Rev. Jesse but nary a word was heard from his "dismayed" friends on the left. One other thing - Grove notes that the good Rev. is pro-choice, but that is more out of convenience than anything else. Jackson was pro-life until he chose to run for prez.


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