Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Mugabe on the Stump

Speaking at the invitation of the UN's FAO Robert Mugabe compared W and Blair to Hitler and Mussolini. You figure with that mustache of his that he would be a Hitler fan, but apparently he meant to slur the Prez and the British PM. As best as I could tell food was not discussed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reaction of the international community to this will be key to whether or not Mugabe overplayed his hand. Needless to say, Chavez, Castro and the rest of the global anti-American bloc loved every minute of it, as well as a number of European leaders I'm sure.

I get the feeling (and its been confirmed by a section about southern Africa in Ralph Peter's "New Glory" book) that South Africa is waiting for Mugabe to go the way of the dodo, naturally or violently, and then will go in and pick up the pieces in Zimbabwe.

How many more will die beforehand though?

4:50 AM  
Blogger theCardinal said...

I still haven't read Peter's book but I too feel that after shielding him for so long Mbeki is just tired of having him around. As for overplaying his hand I doubt it. I just have no faith in the int'l community.

6:48 AM  

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